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One on One:  I work with individuals who want to explore their life's challenges, questions and goals.   The form that sessions take is unique to each individual, the questions and the intention. They may extend for a set number of sessions or on an ongoing basis.

Group Work: Biography groups serve as a dynamic way to enter into dialogue with your life story as well as discover a feeling of being united in our common humanity. In the face of another the sometimes veiled corners of our personal and collective being are revealed, while our capacity for empathy towards self and other grows.  



Workshops are an opportunity to enter into an educational and structured, step by step process. We might focus on a particular aspect of biography work, such as charting, rhythms, life phases or mirroring (the reflected connection between events early in life and those that occur later in life). Or, we might begin with a central theme, such as 'Turning Points', 'Loss', 'Life Purpose', then reflect upon our personal biographies to discover the essential threads that run through our life stories and can offer insight into our questions. 

18 March 2017
Coming Up!
23  April  2016

All lives are of significance.  Events and processes of our lives will reveal meaning if we learn to observe them.

                                                                                                                                                                  - Margli Matthews

All lives are of significance.  Events and processes of our lives will reveal meaning if we learn to observe them.

                                                                                                                                                                  - Margli Matthews

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